Monday, November 13, 2006

The First Post

Some people have blogs dedicated to their dogs.
Some people have blogs dedicated to their day-to-lives.
Some people have blogs dedicated to their belly buttons.
This blog is dedicated to my PDF collection.
You see, I've always been a bibliophile. When I was a teenager, any money that hit my grubby hand would go straight to buying a sefer of some sort. It literally burned a hole in my pocket. So since my bar mitzvah, I've accumulated a rather impressive collection, if I do say so myself. But books cost money, and as I slowly began to learn the value of money (I don't think you truly learn the value of money until you have bills to pay and kids to feed) my enthusiasm for bookbuying waned. I still can wander around a seforim store like a little kid in a candy shop, picking up this, looking at that, and reading the title page of the other (I always read the shaar blatt. Always.) And I still buy way too much, but not as much as I did before.
Then eventually I discovered the wealth of stuff on the internet, and it's Eichler's all over again. I first found Hebrewbooks, then Seforimonline, and then, like a Holy Grail, Halacha Brurah. Hours of fun.
Then I hit the journals, and that was a whole other story. I read stuff I wouldn't have deigned to look at elsewhere. I collected them. It was like seforim shopping, but free. Eventually, I accumulated a shamefully vast collection, more than I can hope to read in a hundred years.
This blog is dedicated to these seforim and articles. More specifically, it is dedicated to discussing and evaluating their ideas. Some of them are thought-provoking. Some of them are deadly boring. Some of them are flaming heresy. Some of them aren't sure. I hope to use this blog to express and preserve my ideas, and if I get readers who can contribute to their own knowledge or ideas, all the better.